Serving Our City
We believe that mercy ministry stems out of the Gospel.
Just as God initially showed mercy by covering Adam and Eve's nakedness to alleviate the shame resulting from their sin, God later manifested the fullest expression of mercy in Christ Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection. In the same manner, we too aspire to emulate this pattern of God's love in action by extending help to those in need.
Mercy ministry works to alleviate the burdens of our neighbors in Rogers Park by meeting their real and perceived needs through Gospel-propelled personable words and deeds.

Night Church
Willye B. White Park
1610 W Howard St.
This outreach happens three (3) times during the months of May thru September, 6:30PM-9:30PM.
Our goal is to be salt and light in the hotspots of our neighborhood. We work with other like-minded churches and our local police department to make this happen. As a result, we’ve seen crime decrease and people come to Christ!
Our next one will occur in May of 2024 since we just had our last one.
Other ways we invest in our community
Holiday Christmas Toy Drive
Neighborhood Prayer Walks
Thanksgiving Care Baskets
Church-wide picnics
Coat Drives for migrants
Ongoing partnerships with the Chicago Police
Department, Chicago Public Schools
Other local like-minded churches